Please note that when you cancel an account or service with Fastitcloud you are requesting that Fastitcloud staff delete your data associated with this account. Also, DNS settings maybe deleted as well. So please call if you have any questions regarding this.
First step is to login to your Fastitcloud account
Login with your username which is your email address and your password. If you have forgotten your password you can click on Request a Password Reset.
Here is the dashboard that you see when you first login to your account. Click on My Services.
Then to the right of the service that you want to cancel click on the status button.
Then next page will be let you have the option on the right side to choose to request cancellation:
You can then choose to cancel the service, please provide a brief description fo the reason for the cancellation and whether you want to cancel immediately or at the End of Billing Period.
If you are canceling a hosting account you also have the choice whether to set the domain name to not to renew when it is due.